Loud noises are coming from under modernity's bed

Does it seem like strange days? This is a blog that chronicles the signs that a chthnoic boom is coming.

Chthnonic: pronounced 'thonik'; Of or relating to the underworld. [From Greek khthonios, of the earth, from khthōn, earth.]

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Day 6: What's the punch line?

In today's post: A scary solar storm, the video of 'inspirational' cheerleader who falls on her head, and a man who will save us from reptilian humanoids. In other words, not much 'news' today, but rather some damn funny stuff (with the exception of the solar storm -- that's still scary.)

Last night I dreamed that: I was packed onto a bus with a bunch of kids from my high school (none that were in my circle) and a some strangers (who resembled attractive celebrities). Bound for a stand-up comedy 'bootcamp', we were all a-twitter (yes, a-twitter!) about the hard-core training we would undergo to become famous comedians. A girl I used to play with in grade school, tired to psycho me out by being shocked to hear I didn't have any material polished and ready to go. It was like one of those pathetic reality shows. Then everything changed. Day became night and we were being stalked by some king of mechanized ghosts (complete with an electrifying device) who were tormenting us, physically and psychologically. One of the other people on the bus had even become possessed and was holding a heavy silver pistol at my back. And I woke up.

The bad news is
: Zap! The sun is angry. Huge solar storms could threaten earth...for the next 11 years. "An 11-year epoch of increasingly severe solar storms that could fry power grids, disrupt cell-phone calls, knock satellites back to Earth, endanger astronauts in space, and force commercial airliners to change their routes to protect their radio communications and to avoid deadly solar radiation could begin as soon as this fall, scientists announced Monday." (San Francisco Chronicle, via www.sploid.com)

The good news is:
The cheerleader in this video is ok. She fell from the top of a pyramid, had a broken vetebra and concussion and was strapped into a stretcher immediately. But, hey, the cheer must go on, right?! Remember the Cheri Oteri skits from Saturday Night Live? Well, this clip is that cheer-tastic! Watch her as she starts waving her arms to the cheer -- AS she's being taken away strapped into the stretcher. (Thanks, after school snack)

May you live in interesting times:
Check out the top ten most eccentric people you don't know, including:
David Icke, is a former professional football player, BBC television sports presenter, and British Green Party national spokesperson who believes "that the world was ruled by a secret group called "The Elite": a race of reptilian humanoids, known in ancient times as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent people are descended from them, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, and Kris Kristofferson" (Thanks, Screenhead.)

Boom level: A villainous chortle

The Three Units of the Human Brain, Júlio Rocha do Amaral & Jorge Martins de Oliveira

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