Loud noises are coming from under modernity's bed

Does it seem like strange days? This is a blog that chronicles the signs that a chthnoic boom is coming.

Chthnonic: pronounced 'thonik'; Of or relating to the underworld. [From Greek khthonios, of the earth, from khthōn, earth.]

Monday, March 06, 2006

Day 5: Plagues and Cures

In today's post: Avian flu, miracle cures, and rain the color of blood.

Last night I dreamed that: I was duped into thinking a relative of mine had some disorder that caused her to age thirty years in the course of a few months, that suddenly she'd grown gray and wrinkled and looked like a different person. As she sat in a rocking chair, a ghost of her former self, I tried to pretend I didn't notice the huge change. Finally, the trick was revealed -- a holographic disguise that had changed her appearance! Glad to find she way actually okay, any anger I had over being so cruelly tricked quickly disappeared. (An odd sidenote: In the world of this particular dream, Japan ran the U.S. military, and my home was being patrolled by a Japanese guard, in a crisp all-navy blue uniform, riding a Segue.)

The bad news is
: U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary said last week that he expects the dreaded avian flu to hit the U.S. soon. Should we start the switch from chicken to tofurkey now? Or is this more paranoia, distraction? What do you think? For all things related to avian flu, click here.

The good news is:
Miracle cure -- young woman confined to wheelchair is giving the ability to walk. How? Electric implants in her brain! (reddit.com) What's next?!

May you live in interesting times:
RED RAIN!?! It may sound like a biblical plague, but in reality it's just a sign that aliens may have landed. Seriously. Well, not little green men, but interesting nonetheless.

Boom level: . Achooo!

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Don't you think that the fuss over the dreaded Bird Flu is a but much? I think that there are worse things to worry aobut. The folks at This is Not Over say it better than I could: http://www.thisisnotover.com/2006/03/yaaarrrgh_its_a.html
I'll definitely check out the link. Thanks. I'm not sure how seriously we should take the threat. But many of the scientists and doctors seem to be saying it's not a matter of if, but when. And when the flu is able to move from human to human (instead of only bird to human), then we're screwed.
As a medical professional, what I say about the bird flu is that it kills far fewer people than the regular flu, but it seems to be "buzz-worthy". The point is, like most epidemmiologic threats, this will be a " statistical menace" but not likely happen to any one you know. Bottom line - you'll either get it or you won't. If you get it you'll either live or die. Discusssion and media coverage will have very little impact on it. we have good treatments for it available, there is really no good strategy for avoiding it.

remember Buddha -
life is suffering

this suffering is caused by our desire to control things

this desire can be overcome and nirvana acheived

the way to do this is to follow the 8 fold noble path

(i.e. que sera sera)
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