Loud noises are coming from under modernity's bed

Does it seem like strange days? This is a blog that chronicles the signs that a chthnoic boom is coming.

Chthnonic: pronounced 'thonik'; Of or relating to the underworld. [From Greek khthonios, of the earth, from khthōn, earth.]

Friday, March 03, 2006

Day 4: Don't Look (Up) Now.

In today's post: End of the world, the end of the world, and a celestial middle-finger.

Last night I dreamed that: while babysitting for the Keaton kids of Family Ties, I noticed red dots in the sky. The dots turned into attacking alien spacecraft. Along with three dogs (whose dogs, I have no idea), the Keaton kids and I hid in a secret attic (they somehow had). Soon, however, the rest of humanity was enslaved by the aliens. The Keaton kids and I snuck out of our hiding place to see a maze of barbed wires keeping humankind caged. Suddenly --a revolt! All hell breaks lose! People are being phasered by alien ships! Then...a voice over a loudspeaker announces the whole "alien invasion" was a publicity stunt for a new anti-anxiety drug. All staged! The humans walk, dazed and confused, out of their barbed wire maze. (I'm seriously not making this up!)

The bad news is
: Someone has taken the time to ponder the "four scariest predictions" for our planet's demise. And they're scary, because they're not alien invasions but more possible scenarios. The "supervolcano" is the freakiest. Did you know that Yellowstone Park sits atop one of the largest supervolcanoes on the planet? An eruption, which is about 40,000 years overdue say geologists, would be...let's just really, really bad.

The good news is:
We've realized global warming is so bad we're thinking of outlandish ways to save ourselves. Like shading the planet with 55,000 huge mirrors in orbit or blasting the earth into an orbit farther away from the sun. Hey, at least we're trying.

May you live in interesting times:
Is the universe flipping us the bird?. Check out this wacky picture.
Image courtesy of the very cool site, Astronomy Picture of the Day.
(Via reddit.com)

Boom level: . A bang, not a whimper (with all due respect to Mr. Eliot).

Photo from creationofuniverse.com

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