Loud noises are coming from under modernity's bed

Does it seem like strange days? This is a blog that chronicles the signs that a chthnoic boom is coming.

Chthnonic: pronounced 'thonik'; Of or relating to the underworld. [From Greek khthonios, of the earth, from khthōn, earth.]

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day 19: The Vanishing Point

In today's post: Vanishings! And "Grups"

Today's important question:
(brought to you by Skippy the Bush Kangaroo)

"Who really are the ones 'taking' from our country?

Those who enter the country illegally and take jobs caring for our society shunned elderly and disabled, cleaning homes and offices, picking and harvesting our food, slicing, sauteing and serving famished foodies, caring and nurturing the kids of the well to do but don't want to do it's.....all the while paying their taxes?
...Those who only work hard illegally hiding their money offshore so it won't be used to give u.s. soldiers body armor and healthcare?"

For the related story, open up any newspaper, turn on any TV, or visti any news website and read about the MASSIVE protests this weekend protesting proposed immigration laws.

Last night I dreamed that: Something's very wrong! I can't remember my dreams from last night! That never happens. Perhaps it could be because I was awakened twice during the night by two women kicking the crap out of each other outside my apartment, screaming things like "Let's take this out back" and "You had my head against the car window and there ain't even a scratch on me!" and "#&%$@# you, you #$^%#ing &#$%!"
Seriously. People need to grow up. These were adult women behaving like school children. Worse!

The bad news is: Everyone's vanishing! This morning the top four news stories on CNN were:
The good news is: None of this is suspicious.
May you live in interesting times: Yuppies, Guppies, Yindies, Bobos-- all so passe'! The hot new category: Grups. Grown ups who aren't really playing by the grown up rules.

For all you Trek fans out there, yes "Grups" is a reference to the Classic TV series episode "Miri" in which the Enterprise encounters a world where all the adults have been killed by a virus and the 'children' hardly age at all but have to run the planet themselves. When they hit puberty, the get nasty lesions, go bezerk, try to kill you, and then quickly die. Let me just say this was one of the freakiest episodes ever!

From the article: "
If being a Grup means being 35, and having a job, and using a messenger bag instead of a briefcase, and staying out too late too often, and owning more pairs of sneakers (eleven) than suits (one), and downloading a Hot Hot Heat song from iTunes because it was on a playlist titled “Saturday Errands,” and generally being uneasy and slightly confused about just what it means to be an adult in these modern times—in short, if it means living your life in fundamentally the same way that you did when you were, say, 22—then, let’s face it, I’m a Grup."

Boom level:

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