Loud noises are coming from under modernity's bed

Does it seem like strange days? This is a blog that chronicles the signs that a chthnoic boom is coming.

Chthnonic: pronounced 'thonik'; Of or relating to the underworld. [From Greek khthonios, of the earth, from khthōn, earth.]

Friday, March 24, 2006

Day 18: Corn on the macabre

In today's post: Hell Houses, weird ways to die, why we love Amnesty International, and ugly cats. What a mix!

If you watch one thing today, watch this: Hell Houses: Video clip on the warped, demented, abusive practice of Christian Fundamentalist "Hell Houses," plays in which audience members are terrified into believing messages about abortion and homosexuality. I've never seen something so UNChristian.

Last night I dreamed that: My co-worker Carrie and I were off on a big shopping spree at something like the Mall of America. At this mall, however, every store offered some kind of variety show -- comedy, magic, singing and dancing. We went to an Abercrombie store where the sales guys were all psychics. One of them knew my name, for example. We kept trying to leave, but the psychic would point us out to the crowd, saying he knew what we were thinking, that it would hurt his feelings if we left. There was hundreds of stores we hadn't seen, and we never got past the Abercrombie store. (If that ain't a metaphor for the trap of capitalism, I don't what is!):

The bad news is
People die in some pretty horrific ways. Here's a list of the top 25, according to some guy, If these are all true, which I can't vouch for, I think it's a pretty deadly list.

The good news is: Amnesty International wants to end police abuse of LGBT people -- in the U.S.
(Via Towleroad)

May you live in interesting times: Crazy-ugly cat pictures!

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