Loud noises are coming from under modernity's bed

Does it seem like strange days? This is a blog that chronicles the signs that a chthnoic boom is coming.

Chthnonic: pronounced 'thonik'; Of or relating to the underworld. [From Greek khthonios, of the earth, from khthōn, earth.]

Monday, March 20, 2006

Day 15: ' Losing My Religion'

In today's post:Faith-based insanity, Bush's mistakes, dumb people in dangerous situations (those last two are separate even though I know they seem the same), and finally a mystical Buddha Boy reappears.

Last night I dreamed that: (This is a sad one) I was the coach (or was I a student?) for a debate squad. We were at a tournament that was held outdoors and felt more like a huge neighborhood picnic,complete with table upon table of debaters eating corn on the cob and bbq beef sandwiches as they sat next to their little briefcases, files and legal pads. But all was not well -- my students (peers?) were being shouted at by a young woman from another team. She appeared to be a spoiled brat who was determined to shout her way to her desires -- which, in this case, was simply that someone had taken her seat inadvertently and she wanted it back. I broke up the squabble and told her coaches a thing or too about professionalism. Soon, boys from her team were making threats to my team. The whole place was buzzing with tension. Then, out of the blue, the tournament director, none other than Stephen Colbert with a mustache, starts preaching about god and screaming bloody murder at his students, who weren't even involved in the arguments, but were rather dressing and talking to 'worldly'. Everyone makes a mad dash for the door -- unsure of where his hellfire and brimstone wrath is going. I flee, too. But as soon as I'm outside, I hear his students screaming. I try to get back in, but can't.

The bad news is: Stop the insanity! A county in Texas is considering faith-based prisons. What's next? Faith-based sewer and water maintenance works? No, what about a Faith-based Electronics group that created a crucifix that broadcasts the Lord's Prayer? Yup!
(Via Fark and Boing Boing )

The good news is: Americablog set itself a truly high goal indeed: creating a list of all Bush's mistakes. Why not submit your favorite? What a minute -- perhaps this should be bad news. Isn't scary that our president is so hated/incompetent such a list is possible?

May you live in interesting times: A collection of photos of people Darwin forgot about -- those who don't understand things like gravity. People in VERY unsafe situations.
(Via Reditt)

The BBC reports that the so-called "Buddha Boy," who is said to have fasted in meditation for 10 months straight, is back after having mysteriously disappeared. Click here for the BBC article.

Boom level: CRASH!


Faith based prisons!? Yes, that is a really funny one. I am laughing sooo hard at the thought of that one. Wait one second, let me just pick my stomach up from off the floor.
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