Loud noises are coming from under modernity's bed

Does it seem like strange days? This is a blog that chronicles the signs that a chthnoic boom is coming.

Chthnonic: pronounced 'thonik'; Of or relating to the underworld. [From Greek khthonios, of the earth, from khthōn, earth.]

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Day 13: Mixed Nuts

In today's post: The attack of the bird flu crazies!; woman fired by nut job gets last laugh; the next Lucas and Spielberg?

Last night I dreamed that: I was chatting with Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) as she tried on costumers for Star Wars. Later, she showed me a dance number she was working on. Still later, we went flying in a space-mobile that had no top (Think: Jetsons, but a convertible). I wish I could remember more (I usually do), but I slept very soundly. I got a new bed and the sleep was heavenly.

The bad news is: It's official: bird flu panic has reached crazy-level. People in Minnesota are handing out tips on burying bodies in your back yard. I like this one, where the Health Secretary seems to say, "no need to panic" but DEATH. IS. IMMINENT. (I hate that!) I've seen other articles that say it will be worse than the Black Plague and that half of the world's population will bite it. Some nut in Russia claims the U.S. government is behind it.
(Via Sploid)

The good news is: Woman who is fired for having Air America [progressive talk radio] sticker, gets offered new job by Air America. Nut jobs tell her she could be a member of Al-Qaida and fire her. Three words for these people:Take that, suckers!
(Via Raw Story)

May you live in interesting times: These kids put together a lightsaber battle to rival Lucas. Check this out. These kids do an amazing job!
(Via Clicked's Video of the Day)

**** GO to Moveon.org and sign the petition to have Bush censured. ****

Boom level: Silence (before the storm?).

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That light saber battle was pretty impressive. So, I'm guessing you used pseudonyms... Which one is you and which one is Seth?
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